In the summer of 1953 Faye Butler felt led of God to begin a mission work at City View Heights. Through the sponsorship of the Western Avenue Baptist Church, a work was begun in the volunteer fire house on Woodrow and Grandview Avenue.
During this time Brother Faye left the work and began a mission that would later become Stahlheber Baptist Church. At this time the mission called Keith Van Hook to be the mission pastor.
The church would meet for three months at the home of Kenneth Lewis. At this time the members were looking for a place to meet in the community. An old house was purchased on Woodrow Street. Brother Van Hook remained for a short while and in November 1954 Brother James Angel was called to pastor the church. The church grew to a point where a new building was needed to meet the needs of the church.
In September 1957 construction began on the corner of Symmes and River Road. With the exception of the masonry work, all labor on the building was donated by the members.
Brother Angel retired due to illness after twenty-four years of faithful service. Brother Jack Wilson was called to pastor in 1980 and served faithfully until God called him home in 1987. The church has been led faithfully by many men of God, and continues to be a beacon in the Fairfield-Hamilton area. Men such as Dennis Lewis, Robert Armstrong , John Enos, Jim Williford, Tim Smith & David Haarmeyer.
This is just a brief look at the history of our wonderful church. We have been serving the Lord for fifty-five years and looking forward to the next fifty-five years. As we continue to write history, it is our desire that all that we do as a congregation brings glory to God. 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.”